Brendan Bacon's birth name is Brendan John Bacon.
Shelby Bacon's birth name is Shelby Wesley Bacon.
Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon were married in 1988. They are currently still married and have 2 children, Travis and Sosie.
Kevin Bacon has 2 children
Nino Bellini's birth name is Giovanni Bellin.
Sosie Bacon was born on March 15, 1992.
She goes to Brown
the brearley school, nyc
Sosie Bacon - Kevin and Kyra's daughter!
Buni Bacon's birth name is Nancy Bacon.
Coy Bacon's birth name is Lander McCoy Bacon.
Edmund Bacon's birth name is Edmund Norwood Bacon.
Faith Bacon's birth name is Frances C. Bacon.
Max Bacon's birth name is Max David Bacon.
Travis Bacon's birth name is Travis Sedgwick Bacon.
Neal Bacon's birth name is Neal K. Bacon.