Siri Kalvig's birth name is Siri M. Kalvig.
Rolf Just Nilsen died on May 9, 1981, in Oslo, Norway of heart attack.
Christine Colombo Nilsen was born on 1982-08-03.
Siri Ulvestad was born in 1988.
Siri Music was created in 2006.
Siri Nilsen was born in 1985.
Dennis Nilsen's birth name is Dennis Andrew Nilsen.
Kurt Nilsen's birth name is Kurt Erik Nilsen.
Siri Kalvig's birth name is Siri M. Kalvig.
Siri Shiva's birth name is Darrell Andre Clark Jr..
Grethe Kausland's birth name is Grethe Nilsen.
Leif Juster's birth name is Leif Normann Nilsen.
Liniers's birth name is Ricardo Siri.
Her name is Ingrid Nilsen :)
Steve Jobs did not name the voice assistant Siri. Apple Inc. bought a company that was called Siri. Siri is a scandinavian female name which means "Segerskön" in swedish which translates to "victory beauty"
Siri tells me, " What does my name mean? I don't think I can explain it in your language."
The IPhone Siri was named after a man's daughter. This man wanted to name it Siri because of his daughter, Siri, and made up a abbreviation for some thing. For real, the IPhone Siri is S.I.R.I.