Sally Field's birth name is Sally Margaret Field.
She is married to Paul Bundock and they both live in London with their son who was born in September, 2005. As for any other children, it doesn't seem as though she is pregnant. Or pregnant yet.
Sally Bowles
Nino Bellini's birth name is Giovanni Bellin.
Shyne's birth name is Jamal Barrow.
Sally Field's birth name is Sally Margaret Field.
Sally Spaide's birth name is Sally Saade.
Disco Sally's birth name is Sally Lippman.
Jodi Sally's birth name is Joanne Sally.
Sally Bercow's birth name is Sally Illman.
Sally Dynevor's birth name is Sally Whittaker.
Sally Forrest's birth name is Sally Feeney.
Sally Clelford's birth name is Sally Ouellette.
Sally Nesbitt's birth name is Sally Hunt.
Sally Mortemore's birth name is Sally A. Mortemore.
Sally Gilpin's birth name is Judd, Sally.
Sally Little's birth name is Sally May Little.