Prinzessin Nataly von Preussen's birth name is Nataly Alexandra Caroline von Preuen.
Nataly Dawn of Pomplamoose is the girl singing in the new Hyundai Holidays commercial. Pomplamoose is an American indie music and indie jazz duo consisting of multi-instrumentalists Jack Conte and Nataly Dawn.
I just looked it up and her name is Nataly Dawn. She is married to that scrawny, bald dude in the commercial with her. His name is Jack Conte and together they form the YouTube sensation called Pomplamoose.
Nino Bellini's birth name is Giovanni Bellin.
Shyne's birth name is Jamal Barrow.
Jayne Brook's birth name is Anderson, Jane.
Prinzessin Micaela von Preussen's birth name is Michaela Marie von Preuen.
Anu Saagim's birth name is Anu Nataly Saagim.
Natalie Pena's birth name is Nataly Victoria Pena.
Prinz Louis Ferdinand Junior von Preussen's birth name is Ludwig Ferdinand Oskar Christian von Preuen.
Prinz Michael von Preussen's birth name is Wilhelm Heinrich Michael Louis Ferdinand Friedrich Franz Wladimir von Preuen.
Prinz Louis Ferdinand von Preussen's birth name is Louis Ferdinand Victor Edward Albert Michael Hubert von Preuen.
Xenia Prinzessin von Sachsen's birth name is Xenia Florence Gabriela Sophie Iris von Sachsen.
It literally means "nativity", i.e. "birth". When it was first used as a name, it referred to the birth of Christ, i.e. to a child "born at Christmas".
Sunnyi Melles's birth name is Prinzessin Judith zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn.
Sophia Drottning's birth name is Sophie Wilhelmine Marianne Henriette Prinzessin von Nassau.
Tatiana von Furstenberg's birth name is Tatiana Desire Prinzessin von Frstenberg.
PomplamooseMusic is her youtube acount name :) Yes, Nataly Dawn of the two person duo Pomplamoose