Germaine De Neel's birth name is Germaine Dinel.
Germaine De Neel was born in 1911, in Montreal, Canada.
Nino Bellini's birth name is Giovanni Bellin.
Shyne's birth name is Jamal Barrow.
Neel Doff has written: 'Keetje trottin' 'Campine ..'
Neel Doff was born on January 27, 1858, in Buggenum, Limburg, Netherlands.
Neel Doff died on July 14, 1942, in Brussels, Belgium of kidney failure.
Red Doff's birth name is Doff, Aaron.
Boyd Neel's birth name is Louis Boyd Neel.
Ann Hearn's birth name is Ann Neel Simons.
Germaine De Neel's birth name is Germaine Dinel.
There is no English name for Darya-e-Neel but u can call it River Neel
"doff" means to "take off" ie: it's hot in here so I will doff my jacket. I would take an educated guess and say doff thy name means something like forget your name, your name doesn't matter. But I'm an idiot so take it the way you would like.
"doff" means to "take off" ie: it's hot in here so I will doff my jacket. I would take an educated guess and say doff thy name means something like forget your name, your name doesn't matter. But I'm an idiot so take it the way you would like.
The cast of Doff Thy Name - 2010 includes: Anita Chatterjee as Samira Aizzah Fatima as Ayesha