Matt Bixel's birth name is Brandt Mathers.
Matt Bradshaw was born on December 15, 1965, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.
His birth name is Matthew Travis Palacios.
Matt Hardy's real name is Matt Hardy
If you are asking about the show The suite life of zack and cody and Suite life on deck London Tipton is played by Brenda Song
Chris Tipton's birth name is Christopher Tipton.
Analeigh Tipton's birth name is Analeigh Christian Tipton.
Billy Tipton's birth name is Dorothy Lucille Tipton.
Jade Rodell Tipton's birth name is J'Adrienne Sunshine Rodell-Tipton.
Violet Loraine's birth name is Violet Mary Tipton.
Rudi Matt's birth name is Rudolph Matt.
Matt Pladsri's birth name is Sitthipol Matt Pladsri.
Jamie Matt's birth name is Jamie Ann Matt.
Matt Koruba's birth name is MatthewJamesKoruba.
Matt Isken's birth name is MatthewColinIsken.
Matt James Tuck
Matt Zane's birth name is Matthew Zicari.