Lana Del Rey's birth name is Elizabeth Woolridge Grant.
Dizzy Mizz Lizzy ended in 1998.
Robert Pattinson's sisters name is Elizabeth Pattinson.Her nickname is Lizzy. She is 25 years old.
Lizzy is Jeremy Finks best friend who steals useless objects.
Lizzy Hale of Halestorm has not announced that she is engaged to Gabriel Macias. Lizzy Hale has been linked to several other rockers but has not stated that she is getting married.
Lizzy Crawford's birth name is Elizabeth Crawford.
Lizzy Pattinson's birth name is Elizabeth Pattinson.
Lizzy Borden's birth name is Janet Romano.
Alice Calhoun's birth name is Calhoun, Alice Beatrice.
Jacare Calhoun's birth name is Jacare Chalonte' Calhoun.
Vern Calhoun's birth name is Vern T. Calhoun.
Lizzy Caplan's birth name is Elizabeth Anne Caplan.
Lizzy Calhoun was born on May 10, 1977, in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
James Calhoun's birth name is James Blake Cahoon.
Lisa Calhoun's birth name is Lisa Claire Poche.
Lizzy Mercier Descloux's birth name is Martine-Elisabeth Mercier Descloux.
WC's birth name is Calhoun Jr., William L..