Larry Dacosta's birth name is Lourenco Manuel Dacosta.
Larry Csonka goes by The Lawnmower, and Zonk.
Larry Perlman's birth name is Lawrence Jay Perlman.
Gator Rivers's birth name is Larry Rivers.
Larry Lamb (a.k.a Archie Mitchell) Is his birth name
Larry Vaira was born on August 25, 1950.
Larry Vaira died on April 27, 2007, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA of brain aneurysm.
Larry Mathews's birth name is Larry Mazzeo.
Larry Haines's birth name is Larry Hecht.
Larry Hagman's birth name is Larry Martin Hagman.
Larry Domasin's birth name is Larry Edward Domasin.
Larry Cooper's birth name is Larry Cotner Cooper.
Larry Manke's birth name is Manke, Larry P..
Larry Laboe's birth name is Larry Robert Laboe.
Larry Lambeth's birth name is Larry Dean Lambeth.
Larry Lindsey's birth name is Larry Wayne Lindsey.
Larry Seiple's birth name is Larry Robert Seiple.