Jynx Maze is 23 years old. She was born on October 6, 1990.
Jynx Maze
Jynx Maze
Nino Bellini's birth name is Giovanni Bellin.
Jynx Maze's birth name is Victoria Elson.
No jynx does not evolve
Jynx was created in 1996.
jynx doesn't have an evolution
To nothing - Jynx doesn't have an evolution. You may be thinking of Smoochum, which evolves into Jynx.
Utah Jynx was created in 2011.
No, Jynx does not evolve into Mr. Mime. Jynx is not capable of evolving further but it can evolve from Smoochum.
Unfortunitly,you cannot evolve jynx but you can evolve smoochum into jynx by friendship or lv 36 or 30?
To evolve Smoochum into Jynx, you need it to be at lvl. 35. Once it's at lvl. 35, it will evolve and you will have Jynx! ^^
by trading a poliwhirl for the jynx from the man in cerulean city
Jynx cannot be found in Pokémon Emerald.
Jynx Maze is 23 years old. She was born on October 6, 1990.