Jerry Mathers's birth name is Gerald P. Mathers.
Kendall Jenner's birth name is Kendall Nicole Jenner.
Nicholas Jerry Jonas Paul Kevin Jonas ll Joseph Adam Jonas ♫
nick,Jo and kevins last name is miller but most people think its Jonas as that's the name of there band Jo's name is Joseph Adam Jonas miller. nicks is nick jerry Jonas miller and kevins is paul Kevin Jonas miller. see
Gerald Norman Springer Jerry
Lance Ito's birth name is Lance Allan Ito.
Roger Ito's birth name is Roger Togo Ito.
Jerry Livingston's birth name is Levinson, Jerry.
Jerry Only's birth name is Caiafa, Jerry.
Jerry Murad's birth name is Jerry Muradian.
Jerry McCawley's birth name is McCauley, Jerry.
Jerry Lawler's birth name is Jerry O'Neil Lawler.
Jerry Supiran's birth name is Jerry Michael Supiran.
Jerry Rushing's birth name is Jerry Elijah Rushing.
Jerry Swindall's birth name is Swindall, Jerry Lee.
Jerry Linenger's birth name is Jerry Michael Linenger.
Jerry Lumpe's birth name is Jerry Dean Lumpe.