Jeff Rudell's birth name is Jeffery Rudell.
Jeff Schweikart's birth name is Jeffrey William Schweikart.
Who Jeff Hardy or Jeff Jarrett? Jeff Hardy's Real Name is Jeffery Nero Hardy And Jeff Jarrett's Real name is Jeffery Leonard Jarrett
Hes first name is jeff and last name woods
No, Jeff's real name was Ira Grossel. Source: Loving the Classics
Jeff Ollero is 5' 8".
Jeff London's birth name is Jeff Johnson.
Simply Jeff's birth name is Adachi, Jeff.
Jeff Eveleth's birth name is Jeff Scott.
Jeff Friedlander's birth name is Jeff Scott Friedlander.
Jeff Stelling's birth name is Robert Jeff Stelling.
Jeff Winkless's birth name is Jeff Alan Winkless.
Jeff Herrod's birth name is Jeff Sylvester Herrod.
Jeff Pevney's birth name is David Jeff Pevney.
Jeff Barkly's birth name is Jeff Barkley.
Jeff Burroughs's birth name is Jeffrey Alan Burroughs.
Jeff Conroy's birth name is Jeffrey Conroy.