Mark Killeen is 185 cm.
Gretel and Hansel 3 has not come out yet. You can find Gretel and Hansel 1 and 2 on Newgrounds or Armorgames.
Richard Kilbride was born in 1919, in Gloucester, Massachusetts, USA.
Nino Bellini's birth name is Giovanni Bellin.
Gretel Killeen goes by Gretskys.
Gretel Killeen was born on February 3, 1963, in Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia.
Gretel Ashzinger's birth name is Gretel Liani Ashzinger.
Gretel Killeen
Mike Hussey's birth name is Michael Edward Killeen Hussey.
The cast of Family Confidential - 2012 includes: Tim Costello as himself Bryce Courtenay as himself Miranda Kerr as herself Gretel Killeen as herself Gretel Killeen as Narrator Kathy Lette as herself Geoffrey Robertson as himself
her name is gretel. probably short for margarete, a common German name of those days.
Hansel is the big brother, Gretel his younger sister.
her name is gretchen
Gretel means little pearl. It is a form of Greta, which is German for Margaret, which means 'pearl' in Greek.The -el suffix is a diminutive, similar to the -y/-ie name ending in English (Grace/Gracie) and -ito/-ita in Spanish (Juana/Juanita), and turns 'Pearl' into 'Little Pearlie'.