Greg Karas's birth name is Greg Teramoto.
Greg Mathew's birth name is Greg Logan Matthews.
"Jelly Roll Morton" (1885-1941) had the birth name Ferdinand Joseph Lamothe. Some of his recordings bear the name "Ferd Morton".
Greg Mammalton
Greg Leevy went by Bougie.
Greg Leevy was born on April 24, 1953, in South Carolina, USA.
Greg Leevy died on January 6, 2009, in Greenville, South Carolina, USA of cancer.
Greg Noll's birth name is Greg Lawhead.
Greg Karas's birth name is Greg Teramoto.
Greg Mathew's birth name is Greg Logan Matthews.
Greg Kean's birth name is Greg Kean Williams.
Greg Rikaart's birth name is Greg Andrew Rikaart.
Greg Patmore's birth name is Greg Miles Patmore.
Greg Hodes's birth name is Greg Alan Hodes.
Greg Hain's birth name is Gregory A. Hain.
Greg Croisant's birth name is Gregory Scott Croisant.