Francisco Asenjo Barbieri died on February 17, 1894, in Madrid, Spain.
Nino Bellini's birth name is Giovanni Bellin.
Shyne's birth name is Jamal Barrow.
Jayne Brook's birth name is Anderson, Jane.
Lucie Haluzik's birth name is Lucie Haluzikov.
Gato Barbieri was born on November 28, 1934, in Rosario, Argentina.
Argentinean Gato Barbieri is famous for his jazz recordings in the 1970's. He was born with the name Leandro Barbier on November 28, 1932 in Rosario, Argentina.
Francisco Asenjo Barbieri's birth name is Francisco de As Esteban Asenjo Barbieri.
Enrique Gato's birth name is Enrique Gato Borregn.
Miguel Gato's birth name is Miguel Gato Luaces.
Gato Barbieri composed the music and I assume he also recorded it.
Gato Barbieri - Europa
Ollie Barbieri
El Gato
He plays a Conn 10M tenor saxophone with a Selmer Mark 6 neck, and his main mouthpiece of choice was a Berg Larsen 105/1 (105 over one) Stainless steel, made in London, England. He said in an interview that he prefers soft reeds; Ricos 2's or even 2 1/2's. or Lavoz mediums.
Ollie Barbieri