Jersey Jaxin's birth name is Tanya Nichole Wynn.
Jackson Nathaniel "Jax" Teller is a fictional character. Played by British actor Charlie Hunnam, in 'Sons of Anarchy.' '
it was garth suckmyballs
Her name was Girl. He would say, "Hey Girl."
No he is the main protagonist and the show is following hamlet. Jax will not die.
Garth Jax is 6' 2".
Garth Jax was born on September 16, 1963, in Houston, Texas, USA.
Otis Garth's birth name is Herbert Otis Garth.
Wilhelm Garth's birth name is Wilhelm-Rafael Garth.
Garth Fisher's birth name is Donald Garth Fisher.
Derek Garth's birth name is Derek Claude Garth.
Garth Porter's birth name is Garth Ivan Richard Porter.
Garth Hudson's birth name is Hudson, Eric.
Jennie Garth's birth name is Jennifer Eve Garth.
Troyal Garth Brooks
Troyal Garth Brooks
Jersey Jaxin's birth name is Tanya Nichole Wynn.