Galway McCullough's birth name is Galway Django Ari Kamal Krishna.
well bernie mac's real name is bernard jeffrey mcCullough. yep that's his name.
A girl from Galway, Ireland.
Engelia McCullough is 5' 8".
William Mark McCullough is 6'.
Well Phillip Tracey is FROM Galway, and I think a guy from Westlife lives in Galway. Otherwise im not sure. :)
Destini McCullough's birth name is Destini Alexys McCullough.
Linda McCullough's birth name is McCullough, Linda M..
Terry McCullough's birth name is Terry Teron McCollough.
Natalie Bach's birth name is Natalie McCullough.
Bernie Mac's birth name is Bernard Jeffrey McCullough.
William Adam Scott's birth name is William Adam McCullough.
Muriel Evans's birth name is Muriel Adele Evanson.
The cast of Across Three Wildernesses - 2013 includes: Galway McCullough as Narrator
The cast of Kill St - 2012 includes: Galway McCullough as Killer Marisa Vitali as Teacher
Galway lost the final in 1995