Evie Thompson's birth name is Evie Louise Thompson.
Evie's Waltz
Evie Liles was born on February 20, 1997, in Sheffield, Alabama, USA.
i am 9
Nino Bellini's birth name is Giovanni Bellin.
She is 1.58m tall.
Evie Thompson's birth name is Evie Louise Thompson.
Evie Vieira's birth name is Evie Paes Vieira.
Evie Sands's birth name is Evelyn Lourette Sands.
Evie Wynn Johnson's birth name is Eve Lynn Abbott.
Evie is not a word, if it is a name, names are always the same no matter what language. You can change your name to 'Eva'(pronounced eh-vah) which is close to Evie Evie being a diminutive of 'Eve, perhaps 'Evita'?
If Evie is a person's name, then it is a noun--specifically a proper noun.
My neices name is Evie, but I don't think it ever was that popular. I still find it a lovely name for any child.
no well, maybe
As of now, there is no specific data available on the exact number of people with the name Evie worldwide. The popularity of the name can vary by country and region.
Evie's Waltz
"Evie" but her real name is Rachel Weisz