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Q: What is the best part of chemistry?
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How does chemistry become part of our daily lifes?

How does chemistry become part of our daily lifes?

How does chemistry related to science?

Chemistry is a part of science.

Is chemistry a big part of life?

Life and chemistry are strongly linked.

What does inorganic branch of chemistry study?

If organic chemistry study the chemistry of carbon compounds the inorganic chemistry stydy the remaining part.

Who is the best teacher of chemistry?

Dr. Duncan is the best teacher of chemistry and her lil dog plumbum!!!!

Which is the best book for medicinal chemistry?

Medicinal Chemistry by Ashutosh KAr Medicinal Chemistry by Patricks

Is thermodynamics the same as physical chemistry?

Thermodynamics is considered a part of physical chemistry.

Which is best among MTech chemistry and Ph.D chemistry?

What is your basic back ground, if you are an MSc chemistry holder and you want to be in the field of chemistry then Phd is the best option for you. If you have second thought of moving to other fields like software then MTech chemistry is best. deside yourself Regards Vijay kumar

How is an emulsifier part of chemistry?

an emulsifier is used in chemistry when trying to separate a emulsion such as milk.

Is pharmaceutical chemistry equivalent to chemistry?

Pharmaceutical chemistry is the part of chemistry which deals with drugs, that is chemicals which affect the way the body works, such as painkillers and anti-inflammatories.

Is chemistry a part of social science?

Social sciences are studies of how people interact. Chemistry- like physics and biology- is part of the "hard" sciences.

What are the best books for reviewing chemistry at an advanced level?

Linus Pauling's "General Chemistry"