

Best Answer
This is an opinion question and different contributors will have different opinions. Below are some of these, more can be found on the discussion page.

  • There is no BEST Harry Potter book. They are all phenomenal. They are some of the best series and are (in my opinion), the most inspiring, artistic, and magical books of all. J. K. Rowling is fanatical.
  • While I enjoy the entire series, the last three books, especially Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, are my favourite ones. This is mostly because the series has very much grown with its readers and the earlier books are obviously Children's Books whereas latter books are darker.
  • In my eyes, the last three are the most action-packed thrilling tales of the entire series.
  • One book is no better than another, just different. Each is good by itself.
  • The 7th book is the best.
  • I totally agree! The 7th is my favourite, but I also love the 6th and 4th.
  • Personally, my top three are the 7th, 4th, and 1st books.
  • I would say in my opinion Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It may be a bit long, but it's totally awesome! It really is a good ending to the series!
  • All of them!
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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

My favourites in order are; Seven, Six, Five, Three, Four, Two, One, but I love them all

I like Order of the Phoenix the best.

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Q: What is the best Harry Potter book?
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