There is no "bad guy" so to speak in Breaking Dawn but the Volturi intended to harm Renesmee Carlie Cullen (Bella and Edward's daughter) when they didn't realise that she was half-human half-vampire and not a vampire child.
That dumb thing called "Twilight", they totally ruined vampires. They turned scary vampires to gay vampires.
James from Twilight does not have a last name. Vampires rarely have last names, and usually go by their coven name.
Twilight infers a time of day when it is safe for vampires to come out and not sparkle. (:
The Italian coven of vampires in Twilight are called the Volturi. They are an ancient coven, almost like royalty in the vampire world.
I mean, if the vampires aren't supposed to have blood, and doesn't the red coloring of lips come from the blood in one's body, then why do the vampires in the Twilight Saga movies have it?? - From Creator of Question
James, Victoria and Laurent
the volturi
James, Victoria, and Laurent are the three nomadic vampires in Twilight. None of them have the time for last names, apparently. :)
The bad vampires. James,Victoria and the other bad vampire
They were hand painted
Trenton Taylor
depends how you look at it for humans he is good for vampires he is bad
There is no such a thing as vampires... but there is such a thing as vampire bats. And no, vampires do not have the same powers as Twilight vampires do.
James, Laurent and Victoria are the nomads (bad vampires) in Twilight. In Twilight, Bella assumes Laurent is the leader of the trio, but in a later book she finds out it is actually James. The "bad" vampires inTwilight consist of James, Victoria and Laurent. James is the head of the coven and the tracker who decides to kill Bella, so he would be the "lead, bad vampire."
they don't have names , they just show that vampires are dangerous, drink blood, pale, cold and strong and fast If you are wondering who the girl is and the boy who drinks the blood it is just Edward and Bella
Because vampires dont like sunlight, and twilight, new moon, eclipse, and breaking dawn, they all have to do with night