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Q: What is the average retirement age of a professional footballer?
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What is the retirement age for professional athletes?

the average retirement age is about in between their 40's or late 30's

What is the average retirement age for a professional football player?

Strikers retire by the age of 33or 35 but goalkeepers play till they are 40 years old.

What is the average retirement age of a professional marine trainer?

Most likely 20 to 25. Because handling animals like that is kind of hard. :)

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What is the average retirement age?

30 yeras old

What is the average age for one to move into retirement communities?

There are many different factors which influence when a elderly person moves into a retirement community. However, the average age for one to move into retirement communities is about 81 years old.

What is the average age of retirement in the United States?

The normal age of retirement in the United States is 67 and the early age of retirement is 62. So, to take those two numbers and adding them together and dividing by 2 gives you 64.5 as an average age.

Average age of retirement for an ultrasound technician?

The average age of retirement for an ultrasound technician is typically around 60-65 years old. This can vary depending on individual preferences, financial circumstances, and overall health.

What country is the professional footballer Rolando from?

Rolando Jorge Pires de Fonesca is a Portguese professional footballer. He was born on August 31, 1985 in Cape Verde. He moved to Portugal at age 14 in 2006.

What is average retirement age set for europeans?

The average retirement age for Europeans can vary by country, but it is typically around 65 to 67 years old. Some countries have implemented reforms to increase the retirement age in response to changing demographics and pension sustainability concerns.

What is the average age of a professional pool player?

In 2012 the average professional pool player is 36 years of age.