Half part water and Half part fevicol. That's what that man tells in art attack.
paint used is water, vinyl .poster oil colours
He was a thief that was out to get their money. He knew they sang on the radio and assumed that they had money for stealing. He was just being a bully.
the five areas of art are ancient art, modern art, art of the Americas, art of Africa and the African diaspora, and medieval renaissance and baroque art.
Painting, sculpture, graphic art, textile art, ceramics, installation, land art, video art, computer art......
well u go on the internet and go on the site and get the address
Art Attack. Address: 41 Nelson Road Central. Town: Great Yarmouth. County: Norfolk. Postal Code: NR30 2NJ. Phone: 01493 332891. Fax: 01493 332891.
The duration of Art Attack is -1800.0 seconds.
Art Attack was created on 1990-06-15.
The web address of the Art House is: http://www.arthouseinc.org
Art Attack?
The cast of Art Attack - 2011 includes: Salvador Nery as Himself - Host
The cast of Art Attack - 1999 includes: Jordi Cruz as Himself - Host
an art attack (homework Huh)
The web address of the Art Encounter is: http://artencounter.org
The web address of the Mississippi Museum Of Art is: http://www.msmuseumart.org