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Q: What is the age of Ahmaogak Sweeney?
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Who is the name of the guy who play as Nathan in Big Miracle?

Big Miracle is a 2012 movie about a guy and a girl who embark on a campaign to save a family of grey whales. The main character Nathan is played by Ahmaogak Sweeney.

How old was Charles Sweeney at death?

Charles Sweeney died on July 16, 2004 at the age of 84.

When did James Joseph Sweeney die?

James Joseph Sweeney died on June 19, 1968 at the age of 70.

How old was James Joseph Sweeney at death?

James Joseph Sweeney died on June 19, 1968 at the age of 70.

When did Charles Sweeney die?

Charles Sweeney died on July 16, 2004 at the age of 84.

What has the author Brian Sweeney written?

Brian Sweeney has written: 'Sweeney on Sweeney'

What is the birth name of Birdy Sweeney?

Birdy Sweeney's birth name is Edmund Sweeney.

How old was sweeney todd when he began to kill people?

In the musical adaptation, Sweeney is around his 40's. He was sent to Australia when he was young (around 25 or so) and did not return for 15 years, which places him around the age of 40.

When was Alison Sweeney born?

Alison Sweeney was born on September 19, 1976.

What is the birth name of Keester Sweeney?

Keester Sweeney's birth name is Lewis Keester Sweeney.

What is the birth name of Calvin Sweeney?

Calvin Sweeney's birth name is Sweeney, Calvin Eugene.

What is the birth name of Julia Sweeney?

Julia Sweeney's birth name is Julia Anne Sweeney.