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you have to be 12 or over to watch it with your friends and you have to be under 12 to be acompanied by a adult!!

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Q: What is the age for Meet the Parents and Little Fockers?
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To each his own. Some parents are strict & don't want you to date until this age or that age; other parents are more lenient & don't care as long as you're honest about it & let them meet your boyfriend.

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It depends on their age and the strictness of their parents or guardian.

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If your parents allow you too and your biological mother is willing.

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The recommended age range for the little tikes swing is ages 3 and up. It is the perfect age for them to enjoy the swing without their parents having to worry if they are safe.

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well you ask them then you have them meet your boyfriend but make sure your boyfriendd acts how your parents would want your boyfriend to be like

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I don't know the exact age but I know she was little when it happened.

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little children that have obusive parents, (15-17)

Can kids play in a billiards pool hall without their parents in Fox Lake IL?

Yes, as long as they meet the minimum age at the particular pool hall. Minimum age varies.

Can you go back on your parents insurance once you go back to school?

If you meet the age restriction your parent can add you back on at open enrollment.

Is it normal for teenagers to argue with there parents a lot at age 13?

It's a little early, but still quite normal.

What is the legal age between teens who date older teens?

There is no specific legal age for dating since there are no laws against it so it is up to your parents to decide who you are allowed to meet. There are only laws for sex where you have to have reached age of consent of your state. It varies from 16-18 in the various states and then you can legally give consent to have sex with anyone as long as they too have reached age of consent. And I know it sounds weird but even then are your parents in charge of whether you are allowed to meet this person or not.

What is the drink age if your parents are with you?

There is no certain age as long as your parents are with you.