The actor who plays Edward Cullen in the upcoming Twilight Movie is named Robert Pattinson.
Edward Cullen's dad name is Edward senior and Edward Cullen's mom name is Elizabeth
Robert Pattinson plays Edward Cullen and Kristen Stewart plays Bella Swan and there is James, I do not know who plays him though James was played by Cam Gigandet.
Edward Anthony Masen (Cullen)
His last name is Cullen, and his full name is Edward Anthony Masen Cullen.
Edward Anthony Masen Cullen is his full name.
Edward Cullen's human name is Edward Anthony Masen.
No, the actor who played Edward Cullen in the Twilight movies is named Robert Pattinson.
Nikki Reed
The name of the actress is Ashley greene.
the actress's name is Ashley Greene
Renesmee Carlie Cullen Her first name is a mix between Bella's mother, Renee and Edward's adoptive mother, Esme. Her middle name is a mix between Edward's adoptive father, Carlisle and Bella's father, Charlie. Her nickname is Nessie
Robert Patterson plays Edward Cullen
Jasper Cullen's real name is Jackson Wrathbone
the actor who plays Edward Cullen is Robert pattinson <3
The actress that plays Alice Cullen is called Ashley Greene.
Kristen Stewart plays Isabella Swan. Robert Pattinson plays Edward Cullen.
In the movie, it is Edward Cullen. The actor who plays Edward is named Robert Pattinson.