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narrating Sons Of Anarchy, as the dead father of Jax

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Q: What is the actor who played gil grissom on csi doing?
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What is the actors name who played grisham on CSI?

Gil Grissom was played by William Petersen.

Who is grissom from csi married to?

Sara Sidle, she is also a csi she is played by Jorja Fox

In what episode of CSI did gil grissom leave?

I believe Grissom's final episode on CSI was Season 9, episode 10 - One to Go.

When did Grissom leave CSI?

Grissom left CSI in the ninth season, with his last appearance in the episode titled "One to Go".

Does grissom appear in csi Miami?

No, he appears in the original CSI, which is based in Las Vegas.

What actor played warrick brown on csi?

Gary Dourdan

Do Sara Sidle and Gil Grissom ever have a baby in CSI?

Yes, Sara Sidle and Gil Grissom have a baby via adoption in the later seasons of CSI. They adopt a child named Lilly.

Did gil grissom die on csi?

No he did not die, he just resigned, to be with Sara

What is the name of the csi Miami episode when grissom comes to help?

CSI:'s Gil Grissom has never gone to Miami to help with a case but during the CSI: Episode Cross Jurisdiction he sends Warrick and Catherine to Miami, and corresponds with them periodically through out the show.

In CSI Crime Scene Investigation who does Sara have feelings for?

Grissom who was played by my good family friend, William (or his nickname, billy) Petersen And she married him in the series.

Why does Grissom say Good-bye in the CSI episode 'Grissom says Good-bye'?

Grissom says goodbye in that episode because it is his final appearance on CSI. The character is leaving the show and his farewell is depicted in that episode.

In what eisode of CSI did gil grissom leave?

The episode is called One To Go.