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The Equalizer.

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Q: What is the TV show in the late 80's starring an Englishman who helped people solve their problems?
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people can take money in problems Hope This F'in Helped

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battles. she also helped inventors with problems.

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John Locke

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Phsycologists help people with problems. like if they are schizophrenic, paranoid, or are just having problems at home. anything really, they can work out. I hope I helped.

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she helped as she was a social worker and listend to theit problems

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Larry Stylinson, in 1681.

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Fear of France, French people or French culture.

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The radio helped people to know the latest news concerning the national economic problems, listening to the weekly radio shows, and may have helped with the music they played to deter depression. Movie houses of the time also did the same things. Newsreels and movies helped people to know what the government was doing and make them forget their problems as they watched the movies.

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People bought a lot of things on credit -- sorta like now

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1.Some people would plot against the king and cause a lot of complications.Why?Because they did not like the country the new king came from and thought a Englishman should rule over England

What problems did the plague cause?

nothing people just said hi and walked peeing thierself hope this helped if not GO POO YOURSELF