WAVE for three spongebob shorts in nick.com WAVE for three spongebob shorts in nick.com
Not that big
After you beat Plankton, you wait until Nickelodeon updates it. The update takes about one month. I hope this was helpful!~ Leah Tee (Anonymous)
maybe Spongebob got real big or he stoped growing like Kylie did
Go to the Spongebob Big Adventures menu and type jellybean for the code to stop your computer from freezing, next go rescue Spongebob's friends and make sure the ice is broken orderly after all that you defeat a monster how loves jellybean ,but defeat the monster with jellybeans.
they go to the marshin world
snail food
jellybeanSandySandJellyfishTried all these they didn't work
play spongbobs next big adventures
you look for a red lobster
go in the hole next to the krusty krab
Jellybean, written just like that.