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Coda is a symbol in music that means to go back to a certain part in a song, usually this is indicated by the word coda/ 2nd time to coda next to the part that needs to be re-sung or re-played. It's Italian and usually is made to conclude or make a big exit out of one part of a piece to another- like a transition phrase or melody that ends the beginning of a song and starts the end (air-go the grand middle (usually)).

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14y ago
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11y ago

A Coda is a formal ending of a passage of music.

- CodA Riggs

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15y ago

A more or less independent passage, at the end of a composition, introduced to bring it to a satisfactory close.

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12y ago

A "Coda" is an extra section at the end of the piece. It is skipped to at some point during the piece, usually on the repeat.

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Q: What is the Meaning of Coda in Music?
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The word "coda" can function as a noun. In music, a coda is a concluding passage that brings a piece to an end.

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The symbol of coda, in music notation, is an oval with a cross inside. It indicates the end of a piece of music or a specific section.

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Where can one listen to a Coda?

There are many places people can listen to a Coda as preformed in music. There are several different websites that will teach a person to play a wide variety of styles of music such as rock or classical music.

What does last time to coda mean?

"Last time to coda" in music notation indicates that performers should skip directly to the coda section of a piece, bypassing the repeated sections. It helps to shorten the performance time by skipping over previously played sections of the music.

What is the origin of the coda?

A concluding section or part (A phrase in the music that is the end)

Can't hold us trumpet sheet music?

Youtube has it - coda

What is a outro coda?

Musically--many rock and popular music genres have sections that can be identified as codas. In these geners the coda is often refered to as an outro. In jazz and modern church music this is usually referred to as a tag