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Q: What is the Harry Potter puppet pals Ginny script?
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Who is the oldest out of the harry and Ginny?

Ginny Molly Potter/Weasley is a year younger then Harry Potter.

Harry Potter 7 is Ginny dies?

No, Ginny Weasley does NOT meet death in Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallows, but instead, she and Harry reunite their relationship. The epilogue tells that Ginny and Harry married and had three children (in order of birth): James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, and Lily Luna Potter.

why does ginny keeps blushing on harry potter?

because harry potter save ginny from Voldemort

Did Ginny get in the hospital in Harry Potter?

No, Ginny has never been in the hospital in any of the Harry Potter books.

Who Did Harry Potter be with?


What series are Harry and Ginny out of?

Harry Potter.

Who does Harry Potter like in Harry Potter 6?

Ginny Weasley.

Who was Ginny's dauter in Harry Potter?

Ginny had one daughter with Harry named Lily Luna Potter after Harry's mum and Luna Lovegood.

Who wants to marry Harry Potter?

Ginny Weasley married Harry Potter.

Does Ginny like Harry Potter in the movies?

Yes, Ginny likes Harry Potter.

Who is the first couple to kiss in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

The first two people to kiss in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows are Harry Potter and Ginny Wealsey.

Does Harry Potter like Ginny Weasley?

Yes, Harry Potter does like Ginny Weasley. In fact, they get married ini the epiloge in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.