Paulie Bleeker and he is played by Michael Austin Cera (Arrested Development).
Juno Temple's birth name is Juno Violet Temple.
If you're talking about Juno (2007), Juno's best friend's name was Leah, who was a cheerleader. If you mean the guy she was with, his name was Paulie Bleeker.
when did the Juno`s start
It was shaped like a hamburger.
Juno Roxas was born in 1967.
her name is JUNO
Juno Temple's birth name is Juno Violet Temple.
London Juno's birth name is London Juno Sweeting Mills-Cockell.
it came from frank
Juno's name in Greek mythology was Hera.
Juno Kang's birth name is Junho Kang.
Roosevelt (after Ted ???)
She doesn't have one
Juno didn't change her name to Hera. Juno is simply the Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Hera.
The name Juno is typically female. In Roman mythology, Juno is the queen of the gods and the wife of Jupiter.
He called her Juno, because for a time he was obsessed with greek myths, and Zeus's wife was Juno, even though Zeus was a player. She was supposed to be beautiful but mean. Hope this helped!
No. There are no places in Europe known by the name of Juno.