The fourth season of Total Drama is called Total Drama Revenge of the Island.And its going to be new campers too
Season 1. Total Drama Island Season 2. Total Drama Action Season 3. Total Drama: World Tour Season 4. Total Drama Reloaded
There are 4 seasons so far, and it is highly likely there will be a fifth season.
The total drama island special called total drama drama drama drama island is not available on itunes because of publishing wars.
Total Drama islan dfeatures more swearing, sexism, and violence.
The Total Drama TV serires is currently nearing the end of their third season, with Heather, Alejandro, and Cody finishing. Season 1)Total Drama Island Season 2)Total Drama Action Season 3)Total Drama World Tour
i hope total drama wild.
yes. total drama action. summer of 2009.
No, season 5 has been announced.
yes it is called total drama reloaded
Yes and its called Total Drama Revenge of the Island. Its where they go back to the Island and its a toxic waste land and a whole new set of campers
I dont know about drama action I watched it when I was in amerca but there total drama island its exactly the same but its the first ever seson and its on at 9:30 mon-fri on disnay XD.
There is no total drama island 4..its supposed to be coming sonne its called total drama revenge of the island ( total drama reloaded)
The fourth season of Total Drama will be named... Total Drama Reloaded
Total Drama Revenge of the Island
Season 1. Total Drama Island Season 2. Total Drama Action Season 3. Total Drama: World Tour Season 4. Total Drama Reloaded
yes it is called total drama reloaded
Yes there is. It's going to be Total Drama Reloaded.