They are actually not talked about however, i guess they are design features of naruto's clothes, also with the patter it resembles Rasengan.
Horizon XII: Naruto Uzumaki. Naruto is born with the surname Uzumaki, which means his ancestors were originally from the land of whirlpools. This symbol may be of his clan, like the uchihas have their lollipops.
If you mean that spiral with the box on each side, it's merely decoration, it serves no function.
Horizon XII: Naruto Uzumaki. Naruto is born with the surname Uzumaki, which means his ancestors were originally from the land of whirlpools. This symbol may be of his clan, like the uchihas have their lollipops.
I think. Your talking about the necklace tsunadae gave him when Naruto beat Kabuto. That necklace was meant to keep the nine tails (who's actual name is kurama) from advancing over three tails I think, if I'm wrong then it's most likely to prevent the nine tailed cloak from appearing.
He does not have a middle name.
narutos registration is 012607
The blood of 1000 innocent souls.
it's just the result of the jutsu
Simple Sakura but seeing as she loves sasuke he is hell bent on uniting the two
It can give you AIDS.
the fleshy type thing hanging from a turkeys chin is a wattle.your welcome!
Cord, shoulder aiguillette epaulette
Your uvula.
narutos dad and 4th
October 10
He has no sisters.
You really have a chip on your shoulder. Don't get a chip on your shoulder over such a little thing.