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the day ou didnt live by koo koo puff

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Q: What is that movie where the little kids were playing spin the bottle in the beginning?
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What movie is playing at the beginning of the Flintstones?

The Monster

Is aireals beginning the first little mermaid movie?

Heck no. You go back in time in that movie, but the first movie is "The Little Mermaid".

Where do they have little mermaid Ariels beginning?

It (the movie) is probably out in stored-storage ( Videocassette- DVD that sort of thing) form. It is not playing in any area theatre to my knowledge.

What is the song that is playing at the beginning of the movie school of rock?

No Vacancy - Fight

What is that movie with the kids playing spin the bottle and the nerdy kid ends up with the emo?

it is good luck chuck

Will there be a Disney Ariel 3?

The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning is the third Little Mermaid movie. It was released on August 26, 2008.

What movie was playing in the theater in the beginning of an American werewolf in London?

If you are referring to the scene where David is in the theatre talking to the dead people, the movie playing in the theatre is a porn film titled 'See You Next Wednesday'.

In which movie was Pattinson playing a gay character?

The movie is Little Ashes, where Robert Pattinson plays Salvadore Dali.

How do you make the music keep playing with no pictures playing in windows live movie maker?

You can't loop audio in Windows Movie Maker. The only way you can keep it playing is by dragging it down into the track again (but it plays over from the beginning unless you split it).

What is little ashesi heard its a gay movie Robert pattinson is in?

well Little Ashes is a movie about the famous artist Salvador Dali. Robert Patinson is playing Salvador Dali in the movie. i believe that some actors will be playing gay people but i am not sure if Robert wil be. i hope that helps

Who was the little boy who played in the beginning of National Treasure?

The young Ben Gates in the movie was played by Hunter Gomez.

Who is the killer in the movie Terror Train?

The killer is Kenny Hampson, the boy they played the prank on at the very beginning of the movie. You know, the skinny little geeky guy?