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Johnny Dangerously

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Q: What is that movie called where cigarette case stops bullet?
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i have no idea my self

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A man is shot in the head and the bullet stops just outside the dura mater. What is the innermost layer that the bullet has penetrated?


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What is it called when a movie stops in the middle to give you a short break to get food go to the restroom etc at the theater?

It is called intermission.

Can cigarette stops biceps growth?

no, cigarettes would not interfere with bicep growth. only your cardio

What is the movie called where to guys are at a restaurant and two people start a robbery and one of the guys that was originally there stops it and calls one of the robbers 'Ringo' and they cuss?

The movie is called 'Pulp Fiction'.

A man is shot in the head and the bullet stops just outside the dura mater What is the innermost layer that the bullet has penetrated?

The layers go like this: Skin, Fat, Periosteum, Bone; (Meninges Layers): Dura Mater, Anarchnoid Mater, and Pia Mater. The outermost of the 3 meninges is the Dura Mater, so if the bullet stops just outside of the most external meningeal layer, I would think the answer is that it stops after hitting the bone.

How come you die when you get shot in the head?

The bullet kills your brain, which controls your heart, and the heart stops beating.

When will the black veil brides be in Ohio?

They're touring with Bullet For My Valentine and will make Ohio stops in mid-October.

What is it called when your kidney stops working?

When your kidney stops working it is called kidney failure.

In this movie a boy builds a device that pulses and it stops both his and his girlfriends watches from ticking and his dad builds a large version of it to stop a storm. what is the name of this movie?

I think its called time stoppers.