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subliminal threshold means the stimuli that are too weak or too brief to be consciously seen or heard may nevertheless be strong enough to be perceived one or more receptor cells.

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Q: What is subliminal threshold?
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Information processed below the normal threshold of awareness is called?


What are some antonyms for subliminally?

antonyms for subliminally or subliminal: perceptible How about the word blatant? a subliminal message is one working at a level under perception; while a blatant message directly appeals to your conscious mind. The antonym for 'subliminal', meaning being below the conscious threshold, is 'supraliminal', meaning above the threshold of consciousness.

Perception below the threshold of conscious perception is called?

Subliminal perception refers to the detection of stimuli below the threshold of conscious awareness. These stimuli may influence thoughts, emotions, and behaviors without individuals being consciously aware of them.

What is Perception that is below the threshold of conscious perception?

Subliminal perception refers to the processing of stimuli below the threshold of conscious awareness. These stimuli can influence behavior and cognition despite not being consciously perceived. Research suggests that subliminal messages can impact attitudes and preferences, although the extent of this influence is still debated.

What is a brief auditory or visual signal that occurs below the absolute threshold for that sense?

A brief auditory or visual signal that occurs below the absolute threshold for that sense is known as a subliminal stimulus. These stimuli are presented in such a way that they are below our conscious awareness but may still influence our perception or behavior.

How do you send subliminal messages?

Subliminal Messenges is defined as "below the threshold of consciousness". Subliminal messaging refers to the act of sending messages direct to the powerful subconscious mind, the part of your brain that controls everything from memory to body temperature to providing your conscious mind with its core traits. But how? There are two primary ways you can actually "send" subliminal messages. Visually, such as using the latest Subliminal Power software program ( to flash messages around your computer screen as you work. Or, less effectively, using sound, such as with the subliminal CDs you can order online at sites such as Subliminal-Audio (

A subliminal message is one that is presented?

A subliminal message is presented below the threshold of conscious awareness, making it difficult for the recipient to detect or process it consciously. These messages are often used in advertising, media, and psychology to influence attitudes or behaviors without the person being aware of it.

What refers to the perception of messages about which we have no awareness?

Subliminal perception refers to the processing of information below the threshold of consciousness. These messages may influence attitudes or behavior without our conscious awareness.

What is a sentence using subliminal?

We are subliminal.

When you cannot see what is taking place but other senses indicate occurrences this is called?

It is called an indirect might also be thinking of subliminal observation but that is when you sense something that is below the threshold of the senses.

How do you use the word subliminal?

Subliminal sex is used in advertising.

What is Subliminal's birthday?

Subliminal was born on November 13, 1979.