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Q: What is stronger lion or liger?
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Which is stronger a lion or a liger?

Quite probably the liger, as it is noticeably bigger.

What is stronger a liger or a any species of bear?

a liger it has a tiger mixed with a lion and that would be powerful

What is stronger tiger or liger?

A liger is would be stronger because it has the strength and size of the tiger and the lion combined. So a liger is definitely stronger.

Will a liger kill a mountain lion?

Yes,because it is larger and more stronger. The Liger weigh 550 to 620 lioness is the strongerthan male one A Liger would defeat a tiger too andalso2to5 wolves

What is a liger mixed with?

A liger is a mix of a lion and a tiger.It was created my a tiger and a lion in 1 cage in which they mate to create the liger.

What if a liger and a lion fight?

a liger would win

What do you know about liger?

What i know what a liger is is that it is between a tiger and a lion.

Can a wolf kill a liger?

Even if the wolf and the liger meets in same continents, not a chance. A liger weighs about 600 pounds more than an averaged sized wolf, and a liger is much stronger and larger than a lion or a tiger. A pack of eight experienced, strong wolves, however, may be able to kill a liger.

Who is stronger a liger or tiger?

a Liger is stronger due to its size, weight, and overall life form.

The name of a liger?

A liger is a mix of a male lion and a (female) tigress

What would win a lion or a liger?

Liger, it is the best of both worlds.

What is the offspring from a male lion and female tiger called?

A male lion and a female tiger would produce a liger.