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A wolf in no fight for a tiger. Unless the tiger was a cub. Tigers can weigh up to 660 lbs. The heaviest wolf was only 175 pounds. Tigers are far larger, have stronger jaws, is a stronger animal, have much larger teeth, and 18 long claws. One blow from a tiger's paw or bite in neck could kill a wolf. A large pack of wolves probably wouldn't knock a tiger down. In places where both animals live,wolves avoid tigers. Tigers are very agile and swift too. Wolves are determined but would lose unless a HUGE group worked together. Glad to help, Bristal, age 10

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12y ago

Well both of them are strong and they both are superior to other species. The tiger is strong with the because of the balance in the tail, and the wolf is strong because of the hunt in pacts. The strength in both the tiger and the wolf is the same for they both hunt with others, but the tiger takes down it's prey by a pounce, while the wolf sinks it's teeth sharply into the prey's neck.

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