Stefania Rivi's birth name is Vita Stefania Rivi.
Stefania Stella's birth name is Stefania Di Giandomenico.
Stefania Careddu's birth name is Stefania Careddu di Sambrese.
Stefania was played by Alex Meneses.
It is kind of a nice name
Elettra Baldassarri's birth name is Baldassarri, Stefania.
Stefanie Powers's birth name is Stefania Zofia Federkiewicz.
Yes, Stefania is an Italian name. Its equivalent in English is 'Stefanie', or 'Stephanie'. Its equivalent for an Italian male is 'Stefano', which is pronuonced 'STEH-fah-noh'. It's pronounced 'steh-FAH-nyah'.
The Italian version of the popular girls' name 'Stephany' is 'Stefania'
Stefania Woytowicz was born in 1922.