Hagrid is not supposed to use magic because he got expelled from Hogwarts and had his wand broken in half.
It is also the first time that somebody has stuck up for Harry when he is being bullied by the Dursley's which shows the change about to happen in his life and helps his friendship with Hagrid.
Rubeus Hagrid.
The author did not provide that information.
Grawp is Hagrid's half brother if your looking for specific names- but they are just referred to as a species as 'Giants' if you mean trolls then that is something different.Trolls are not as big and less intelligent.
Rubeus Hagrid was in Gryffindor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hagrid was in the Gryffindor house.
Vault 713.
Rubeus Hagrid.
Rubeus Hagrid.
Rubeus Hagrid was created in 1997.
Rubeus Hagrid didn't die.
Rubeus Hagrid didn't die.
Rubeus Hagrid.
Rubeus Hagrid picked Harry Potter up from the house in Godric's Hollow and brought him to Privet Drive. Hagrid was sent there by Albus Dumbledore who, along with Professor McGonagall, was waiting at the Dursley's house.
Among the many facts that Harry Potter learned from Rubeus Hagrid are that Harry is a wizard and that his parents were not killed in a car crash, but murdered by Lord Voldemort. Throughout his years at Hogwarts, Harry learns others things from Hagrid who becomes his Care of Magical Creatures professor for three years.
Rubeus Hagrid was keeping a dragon egg in his fireplace so that it would hatch.
Rubeus Hagrid
Rubeus Hagrid was expelled from Hogwarts in his third year and isn't allowed to perform magic.
Hagrid's birthday is the 6th of December.