The most common short form for the name Gregory is Greg. This shortened version typically retains the first syllable of the name while dropping the second and third syllables. It is a common practice to shorten longer names for convenience and informality.
Gregory Alosio's birth name is Gregory Ryan Alosio.
Gregory Dixon's birth name is Gregory Lee Dixon.
Demian Bichir's birth name is Bichir Njera, Demin.
His real name is Gregory James Daniel. But, he's also gone by "Gregory Jackson" and "Gregory Sicesca".
Their full names are Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle.
Gregory Short was born on 1938-08-14.
Gregory Short died on 1999-04-01.
it means vilagent and watchful in greek, As for the historic meanings it has many There are shortened versions of this longer name, A person with the name Gregory can also be called Greg for short.
it means vilagent and watchful in greek, As for the historic meanings it has many There are shortened versions of this longer name, A person with the name Gregory can also be called Greg for short.
Gregory Mannino's birth name is Gregory Mannino.
Gregory Irvin's birth name is Gregory Irwin.
Gregory DiGregorio's birth name is Gregory David DiGregorio.
Benji Gregory's birth name is Hertzberg, Benjamin Gregory.
Gregory Slay's birth name is Gregory Scott Slay.
Gregory Sims's birth name is Gregory R. Sims.
Gregory Ropert's birth name is Gregory John Ropert.
Gregory Tuzin's birth name is Gregory Francis Tuzin.