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males in the population look distinctly different than females

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11y ago

Sexual dimorphism is the distinct difference in the appearance of the sexes of animals in addition to the sexual organs.

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What is ascaris roundworms sexual dimorphism?

Ascaris roundworms exhibit sexual dimorphism, where males are typically smaller and have a curved tail, while females are larger and have a straighter tail. This dimorphism allows for efficient mating and reproduction within their host's intestines.

Why sexual dimorphism is important in fox skull?

It has to do with who will be the dominant male.

Sexual dimorphism in humans will change or stay the same over time?

Sexual dimorphism in humans is likely to stay relatively constant over time, as it is influenced by genetic factors and evolutionary history. However, various external factors such as changing societal norms and cultural practices could impact the expression of sexual dimorphism in different populations.

The condition in which males and females differ dramitically in phenotypic characteristics is called?

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Why aren't monkey's bald?

Some are. Baldness is a sexual dimorphism that has been established due to the preferences of females.

What is chimpanzee sexual dimorphism?

Find out yourself you dirty little kid. Sexual Dimporhism in primates is when there is difference in size between the males and the females. For example with gorillas, the males are much larger than the females therefore gorillas are extremely sexually dimorphic. In chimpanzees, there is slight sexual dimorphism between males and females but not a huge difference.

What is a sexologist?

A health personage who studies all aspect of sex, including differentiation and dimorphism, and, particularly, sexual behaviour.

Is my Red tailed shark male or female?

Ther is no apparent sexual dimorphism in Red Tailed Black Sharks.

What is the significance of sexual dimorphism in the study of evolutionary biology?

Sexual dimorphism, or differences in physical characteristics between males and females of a species, is significant in evolutionary biology because it can provide insights into the evolutionary history and behavior of a species. These differences can help researchers understand how natural selection has shaped the traits of males and females differently, often in response to different reproductive roles and strategies. By studying sexual dimorphism, scientists can gain a better understanding of how species have evolved and adapted to their environments over time.

What is the difference between a male vulture and a female vulture?

Females are bigger than males, reverse size sexual dimorphism

What is reverse sexual dimorphism?

Reverse sexual dimorphism is when the typical size or appearance difference between males and females is reversed, with females being larger or displaying more exaggerated physical traits than males. This phenomenon is less common than traditional sexual dimorphism, where males are typically larger or more ornamented.

Describe an example of dimorphism in fungi?

Some fungi exhibit sexual dimorphism, where the male and female structures look different. For example, in the pathogenic fungus Histoplasma capsulatum, the male structure (conidia) is asexual and tubular, while the female structure (microconidia) is smaller and oval-shaped. This dimorphism helps in the reproductive process and adaptation to different environments.