seri actually is a Korean name.. so it would be 박 (park) 세 리 (Seri)
Seri is a Computer designed from Apple.
julie aninipot
His real name is Choi Seung Hyun or 최승현 [in korean]
In the Korean version,it's Goo Hye Sun
The population of Paks is 19,833.
The area of Paks is 154.08 square kilometers.
Seri is a Computer designed from Apple.
The population density of Paks is 137 people per square kilometer.
Seng Phengdouangdeth's birth name is Sengchantra Seri Phengdouangdeth.
seri on a iphone is something that helps you
You dont have coil paks on these cars they use a coil and distributer
Şapte Seri was created in 1998.
Seri DeYoung is 5' 2".
Seris is the plural form of Seri
May is my name what is my Korean name