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Sadistic behavior is when someone inflicts pain on others because they enjoy it

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Q: What is sadistic violence in movies?
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What is the difference between violence and romance movies?

The difference is very clear from the question itself. Violence movies are action movies including violence actions. romance movies are movies including romantic stories and love actions.

Why is contraband rated R?

"Public Enemies" (2009) is rated R for gangster violence and some language.

Is rampage the movie rated r?

Rampage is rated 'R' due to prolonged and sadistic violence, and strong language use.

Why is the movie The Collector rated r?

The Collector (2009) is rated R for strong language, pervasive sadistic bloody violence, sexuality, and nudity.

Why is resistance 2 a 18?

Because the BBFC think it goes beyond "strong violence, but the game doesn't dwell on this." This is mainly because you can shoot bodies on the ground and they bleed, which is normal. It also says that "the game allows sadistic violence at will."

Why has violence increased in horror films?

Horror movies have always been violent. But through the years what people are able to show in movies, the amount of gore and violence is increasing.

Who thinks violence in movies is bad?

Not at all, sometimes the violence is needed to better express the story or scene.

What is the term for people who loves to watch violence?

Sadistic: person who likes inflicting pain/violence on othersthesaurus: cruel, savage, brutal, beastly, vicious, ruthless, perverted, perverse, inhuman, barbarous, fiendish

What is your opinion about violence in movies and TV?

i think its bad thing

How do you use the word sadistic in sentence?

He always was a bit sadistic.The crimes were shockingly sadistic.

When was Sadistic Symphony created?

Sadistic Symphony was created in 2001.

When was Sadistic Dance created?

Sadistic Dance was created in 2009.