His Brothers Names Are Jose And Juan And His Sisters Name is Shanelli And His Mom Is Angela And His Dad Idk
prince royce likes jordans
US singer Prince Royce was born Geoffrey Royce Rojas on May 11, 1989.
yes prince royce is married but dont be sad if he wasnt he wouldnt like any of you so it is a lose lose level:)hahaha
Prince Royce is not Mexican, he is in fact of Dominican descent. YEAH ROYCE REPRESENT DOMINICANOS
As of October 2013, Royce has received fifty-eight awards from 101 nominations.
Geoffrey Royce Rojas ( Prince Royce)
Geoffrey Royce Rojas
The birth name of prince Royce is Geofrey ROYCE Rojas and his birthday is on May 11!
Geoffrey Royce Rojas
Geoffrey Royce rojas
Geoffrey Royce rojas
Prince Royce chose to call himself Prince Royce because he wanted a stage name that reflected his aspirations as an artist. The use of 'Prince' implies his desire to be seen as a musical royalty, and 'Royce' is a combination of his last name and a tribute to Rolls-Royce, which he associates with luxury and excellence. Overall, it represents his image and ambitions as an artist.
No he's not. but is treated like one for being famous. he named himself after prince Royce because Royce was his middle name and prince cause he looks hot
Geoffrey Royce Rojas
Becky Laquisha Ferguson Royce