A portrait is a painting, photo, or sculpture of a person. (usually just the head and shoulders) However there are paintings considered to be portraits that show you the full body. Portraits will also normally tell you something about the person, whether it be in the medium used, the body language of the person or an object in the picture
Portrait orientation is about whether the portrait subject will be pictured the long way, like in the vertical position, or whether the subject will be shown with the canvas or paper in a horizontal position (the subject of the portrait won't necessarily by lying down, but just that the portrait surface would be in the horizontal position)
Another Answer
Commonly, in computer printing, portrait orientationinfers that the left side of the printed page is 11-1/2 inches long. It's opposite is landscape orientation, which infers that the left side of the page is 8-1/2 inches long.
represents the sitters profession
Portrait of Bernhart von Reesen was created in 1521.
Portrait of Pietro Bembo - Raphael - was created in 1506.
Intimate Portrait - 1993 Angie Dickinson was released on: USA: 25 March 2003
The World of Art Presents Portrait Sketch Workshop - A Beginner's Guide to Portrait Sketches in Acrylics - 2009 V was released on: USA: 1 February 2009
when you view somebody's portrait it is showing what the person looks like, how many fame points they have, and the badges they have. when you view someone's portrait it is also how you can rank them with stars.
Portrait Orientation
It is painted in the Three-quarters view.
Portrait view is usually best - since it mimics the way a book would be read.
"The Colbert portrait is currently on view at the American History Museum's third floor west, close to Dumbo the Flying Elephant and other entertainment artifacts." http://www.examiner.com/x-5467-Smithsonian-Museum-Examiner~y2009m4d22-Stephen-Colbert-portrait-on-view-at-the-American-History-Museum
Click File, Page Setup, then select the Landscape view instead of the default Portrait view
I see it is now fixed: 'Antonio Mancini portrait by John Singer Sargent.' Thank you.
Portrait Photography Reviews are not easy to find online, but there are websites such as Digital Photography Reviews that will allow users to rate eachother's photographs. Sites like these can be found online through terms as 'Portrait Photography Reviews' and will allow you to view the best photography available on the internet!
I've added some related links with images of Elizabeth I for you. I included the famous "Darnley Portrait" held at the National Portrait Gallery in London, a portait of her currently on view in the U.S. National Portrait Gallery in Washington D.C., and a depiction of her in the charter of Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Ashbourne.Best,Librarian Student
They lived in a warm climate, and had another view on nudity and modesty than we have. Nudity in some circumstances wasn't a big deal.
Portrait - Portrait album - was created on 1992-10-12.
No a portrait can be a photograph. So long as it is of someone it is a portrait.