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His dog's name is Hemingway but him and Ashlee Simpson recently got another bulldog named Rigby. Hemingway though is the most famous out of the two he has appeared in the Music Videos, and is the main center of Pete's clothing line

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16y ago
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13y ago

Hemingway, Rigby, Pandora, Marley

Hemingway(the bullldog in this ain't a scene),rigby(the bulldog in i think...take over the breaks over)Pandora,and Marley c(=(no mean commets cuz i"don't know what talking about" ok?)

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13y ago

A bulldog named Hemmingway, Which is starred in one of their music videos.

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17y ago

His screen-nmae is PandaFob2 cozz ii askd him if he had msn nd he sed yeah nd he gav it to me nd went on cam!!!!!!!!! ii was totally bumbed out

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17y ago

If you mean Hemmingway, then no. The little guy is only like 2 years old. Unless he got killed within 3 days ago then no

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15y ago

Fall Out Boy, But There On A Break At The Mo :'(

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17y ago

pete wentz dog is named Hemingway

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13y ago

Around four or five.

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WikiAnswers does not disclose personal information about persons famous or non-famous alike, due to privacy regulations and WikiAnswers policies.

What is Pete Wentz's dog called?

his dogs name is Hemmingwayhe recently got another one named rigby also.both English bulldogs.

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He currently lives with his wife Mrs. Ashlee Simpson-Wentz and his dogs Hemmingway,Einstine and their baby 'Bronx Mowgli Wentz' Pete got the first name from the band 'The Bronx' and Ashlee got the middle name from the Jungle book

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ok I had his but I cant find it anymore it's somewhere around my computer he goes on SN=hemmyxwentz and acts like his dog but everyone knows it's him beucase he upload pictures of him and hemmy outside and inside his house all the time and it say's it on his myspace.=] Hemmingways AKA pete's SN=hemmyxwentz i dont know petes but ashlees is ashleenwentz

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