otka is a meat that they eat in Somalia and donkey meat don't try that out there because people DIE every yeary eating DONKEY MEAT and camel
MILK don't listen to what they say about this good dislaisgfg stuuff mmmhmmmm mmmhmmm good
The cast of Dr. Otka - 2011 includes: Nick Savvides as Cain
The cast of Adam a Otka - 1974 includes: Karel Augusta as Ridic Jan Gottlieb as Adam Igor Nachtigall as Jozka Altman
They eat goat meat, basmati rice, lentils, fava beans, fruit juice, camel milk, camel meat, and otka. Somalians have a diet consisting of halal foods.
Karel Augusta has: Performed in "322" in 1969. Performed in "Pan Tau" in 1970. Played venkovan Prokop in "Svatby pana Voka" in 1971. Played Kytarista in "Princ Bajaja" in 1971. Played Man with sausage and newspapers in "Takze ahoj" in 1971. Played Dr. Mayer in "Morgiana" in 1972. Played Armin von Glassenapp in "Die gestohlene Schlacht" in 1972. Played Feyvel in "Zlateh the Goat" in 1973. Played Tonda Majling in "Zbrane pro Prahu" in 1974. Played Ridic in "Adam a Otka" in 1974. Played Muz v herne in "Romance za korunu" in 1975. Played Waiter in "Zaklete rewiry" in 1975. Performed in "Enyky benyky" in 1976. Played Standa in "Fanda" in 1977. Played Vokoun in "Parta hic" in 1977. Played Listonos in "Hodina pravdy" in 1977. Played Factory director in "Hop - a je tu lidoop" in 1978. Played Hofgesellschaft in "Taugenichts" in 1978. Performed in "Zkousky z dospelosti" in 1979. Played Slepec in "Princ a Vecernice" in 1979. Performed in "Kam nikdo nesmi" in 1979. Performed in "Hodinarova svatebni cesta koralovym morem" in 1979. Played Ranger in "Zlati uhori" in 1979. Played Handwerker in "Lucie, postrach ulice" in 1980. Played Barman in "Buldoci a tresne" in 1981. Played Dustman in "Evzen mezi nami" in 1981. Played Ungeler in "Na pytlacke stezce" in 1981. Played Karel Vacek in "Kvuli mne prestane" in 1982. Performed in "Wolfgang A. Mozart" in 1991. Played Executioner in "The Trial" in 1993. Performed in "Byl jednou jeden polda" in 1995. Performed in "Malostranske humoresky" in 1996. Played Second Pursuer in "Hell Mountain" in 1998.