Tina Panagaris, her sister. Tina is 11 months younger than Orianthi.
Orianthi goes by Ori.
No,she is not.*
Your sisters name is the title used when addressing your sister.
i dont think so. shes really healthy
The main characters, or the sisters last name of this show is Halliwell.
Orianthi's birth name is Orianthi Panagaris.
Orianthi is her name. it isn't the band name, it is her name. Orianthi Panagaris, age 24
The name of Orianthi's album is Believe.:)*
Orianthi Panagaris
Her name is Orianthi Panagaris.
Well, Orianthi is half greek. Her family is from Greece and her Grandmas name was Orianthi. And we don't know the real meanly for sure, put her Mother (@SusannePan) posted on twitter that Orianthi means beaultiful flower in greek (:
Orianthi is from Adelaide.
Orianthi goes by Ori.
Ιf her parents give her Greek name Anthi means ανθός (anthos) meaning flower and all the name Orianthi means Ωραίος Ανθός (oreos anthos) meaning Beutiful flower. Finaly Ori in Hebrew means "My Light" :)* pronounced (or-ee-on-th-ee) \ That is her name! Beautiful, isn't it? I'm jealous... Her full name is Orianthi Penny Panagaris.
According to you - Orianthi
According to you - Orianthi