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The words open and close can't be translated in parseltongue with words. The snake makes a particular noise to talk.

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Q: What is open and close in parseltongue?
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What did Harry Potter say to open the Chamber of Secrets?

Harry Potter simply said open, but he did so in Parseltongue which is the language of snakes.

How does Harry Potter get the locket to open?

He speaks in parseltongue. He says "Open" like in Chamber of Secrets.

How do you get to Harry's vault in the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets video game?

AnswerYou have to speak parseltongue and then you have to say open and then jump in.

Who invented Parseltongue?

J.K. Rowling.

What is Parseltongue in Harry Potter?

The language of snakes.

Can Dumbledure Speak Parseltongue?

Yes. Though he never spoke it in the books, J.K. Rowling has stated that Dumbledore can speak several languages, including Parseltongue.

Was Hermione Granger or Ginny Weasley taken into the Chamber of Secrets?

No. She can't speak Parseltongue, the snake language needed to open the chamber. Ginny Weasley opened it. Ginny could speak Parseltongue because Voldemort was possessing her through the Diary and speaking Parseltongue in her mind.

Why hadn't bathilda want to speak in front of Hermione?

she was speaking in Parseltongue

How can Ron Weasley speak parseltongue?

The full language hasn't actually been "released" or made available to the public; we see a small amount of the language, with simple words such as "open", spoken in the books and movies. This is as far as we can go with knowing the official language. Other than that all we know is that the language is made of a variety of hisses, however if you want to be able to speak it correctly there is no such way to find out what to say at the present time.

What are open and closed populations?

Open AND cLOSE are open bra close bra open boobs close boobs you get it I do! BOOOBs ohh! Stupidia Chaau Kai Tung RENEEKARSIMA

LA Fitness- hours open and close?

they open at 7 and close at5

What is the analogies of open?
